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Dr Jim Browne, Chairperson

Jim Browne

Former President of NUI Galway, Engineers Ireland, and the Irish Academy of Engineering. A number of past roles in a variety of Boards, including the Irish Universities Quality Board, the Saolta Hospital Group, Galway University Foundation, and the Board of the Central Applications Office.

Ms Mary Cryan

Mary Cryan

Former Human Resources Director with the Brown Thomas Group, and former Employer Member of the Labour Court. Board Member experience also includes: the Employment Equality Agency; Dublin Institute of Technology; and the National Employment Rights Agency.

Ms Mary Donovan

Mary Donovan Headshot

Mary Donovan is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Fellow of the Irish Computer Society. She is an independent business consultant specialising in strategy development, business transformation and integration, working with Ireland’s global food companies. Mary is currently Chair of the Board of The Coombe Hospital and member of its Finance and Nominations Committee and a non-executive director of the Bons Secours Health System and chair of its People and Culture Committee. Previously, she has been a non-executive director of the Irish College of General Practitioners and Chair of its Audit and Risk Committee. Mary was also a former senior executive in the Diageo PLC global business.

Ms Catherine Guy

Catherine Guy

Catherine is currently Chief Executive of NiftiBusiness. Catherine is an experienced solicitor and former managing partner of ByrneWallace Law Firm. She is a Chartered Director and is an Independent Non-Executive Director of the FAI (Football Association of Ireland).

Dr Gavin Lavery

Gaven Lavery

Former ICU physician, President of the Intensive Care Society of Ireland and Clinical Director of HSC Safety Forum (NI). Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Trainer and former Clinical Assessor for the Health Foundation. Graduate of the Advanced Training Programme at the Intermountain Institute for Healthcare Delivery and Research.

Ms Brigid McManus

Bridget McManus

Experienced public sector leader. Former Secretary-General, Department of Education and Skills. Currently she is a member of the Governing Body of the National College of Ireland, chairs the Health Research Consent Declaration Committee and chairs the National Inland Fisheries Forum.

Ms Eleanor O’Neill

Ms Eleanor O’Neill

Eleanor was appointed to the board in 2020. She has more than 30 years’ experience in Digital Transformation roles in technology multinationals, Symantec, Visio, Microsoft, Marrakech and Digital Equipment Corp. Eleanor also serves as a Non-Executive director of Coillte, and the National Transport Authority (NTA).

Eleanor is an Engineering graduate of NUI Galway. In addition, she has post graduate qualifications in Cybersecurity from UCD and Corporate Governance from the Institute of Directors Ireland.

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